Sunday, October 01, 2006

Evacuation Insurance

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose!"
Romans 8:28

When I first attended missionary training and my mission told me I must have evacuation insurance, I never actually thought I would need it. Little did I know it would come in handy later on. On September 22nd "it" happened to me. I had to be medically evacuated from Nigeria because I was having terrible back and abdominal pain for which a cause could not be determined. I was escorted back to Chicago by a doctor who helped take care of me while in Nigeria. She was my angel and God placed her in my life at just the perfect time when I needed her most. I was able to get a seat on her flight and she "happened" to be flying through Chicago. That was no coincidence but only the divine intervention of a God who holds the world in the palm of his hands. God brought me home promptly to get the medical help I needed, and I am forever grateful. That help came in the form of a laparoscopic cholycystecomy, or removal of the gallbladdder with a scope through a small incision in the abdomen. My gallbladder was diseased; the main duct called the common duct was enlarged and not functioning properly. I have no prior family history of this problem and have never before had an issue with my gallbladder. In my own finite mind this whole experience seems random and at first made little sense to me. But Oh no! Nothing in this life is random. Everything happens for a reason and is all under the control of an Almighty, Soveriegn, Holy, Just, Righteous, Perfect, Faithful, Kind, Loving, Merciful, Gracious, Compassionate and Everlasting Father. I stand in complete awe of His love for me and how He orchestrated everything that needed to happen in order to get me on that specific flight that specific day with that specific person. My prayer while I have been home recovering is that God would show me what He wants me to learn in all this, and that He would be glorified through my pain. I am learning to be thankful and appreciate the time I have with my family and basking in the Grace that each new day brings. I am walking close to my Savior and resting in the fact that I don't have to understand why certain things happen. I am simply leaning on Jesus right now. Therefore it is well with my soul....

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