Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How do I smell?

I went to visit Ladi's sister's last week, Ruth and Mercy. We had such a nice time together. Mercy pulled out old pictures of her mom Rebekah, and we remembered what use to be. I really enjoyed our visit. I hadn't seen Mercy since before her baby died in December. She named the baby Rebekah after their mom. Please pray for Ruth (left). I am not sure she knows Jesus. We have talked about the Lord many times but her life is not consistent with a person who loves HIM! Pray for my continued support and love to these women to be genuine and that I may overflow with Jesus. Pray that Ruth will come to know Christ through what she sees in me. I pray I am a fragrant aroma of Christ to her.

How do I smell to her? Am I a fragrant aroma of Christ or the stench of death?

"For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other, the fragrance of life. AND WHO IS EQUAL TO SUCH A TASK!"


Julie said...

It is midnight here and I couldn't stop reading your blog. I had a lot of catching up to do, but I was so captivated. I just want you to bring all those little children home to me. How are Ladi's little boys doing?

Love in the Lord, Julie

Erin said...

Ruth is looking good, thankfully. Good to know you are still able to keep in touch with them. See you soon!