Monday, July 02, 2007

The countdown begins!

Today the one week countdown begins, and it is officially crazy!!!! Every day I have people coming over to greet me and say goodbye. This morning one of my clients from work came to greet me at 7:30 am with her four month old baby. You never know when people will come by. Between packing, giving things away, running to and from work, buying gifts, organizing my house and etc.....I am so busy. Transitioning is never easy, and I feel like no matter how much I do in advance to prepare for a move, it always ends up like this anyway. I will attempt to share seven memorable experiences I have had here (not in any order of significance), one for each day that I have remaining in Nigeria!! Enjoy....

7. I loved speaking at home-based care trainings and educating people about HIV. It was such a joy to know that we were empowering them to make positive choices for preventing the spread of this virus in their own lives and the lives of people in their churches. Our prayer is that they will choose life and embrace those in their communities that are living positively!

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